Data Manipulation and Handling

The objective of this program is to use a massive amount of data stored in pickles format (Bytes), extract that information then, and then manipulate this data. First, cleaning the data and transforming all data into one type, such as removing decimals, extra 0's, and combining all data in one format. Then the program re-structures all kinds of data and puts each type, such as price, in one column, and it does this for over 1000 companies by combining all its financial data.

The data within this program is mixed data stored as pickles for 1000+ companies' annual financial data, all combined in one table, which is then used further to feed a network that would learn from this data and can be used to predict all kinds of different outputs such as various financial predictions. It also calcualtes different required inputs, such as; Free cash flow using calculations and then combines data and restructures it into the same format can be used as direct input to Neural Networks.

To start the program just click run. This will take a while to load since its pulling all the data out and applying formating each time. This pulls annual financial data from 1000+ companies, re formats, restructures and organizes the data using pandas and Numpy to display it using JS as a table. The numbers at the top represent different financial information such as Revenue, Net income, Free cash flow, etc. From top to bottom the information is organized in years; each 5 rows represents 5 years of a company's financial information, the following 5 rows is another company's 5 years annual data.


  • Saif Alhail

  • 2021

This Program uses stored data in pickles format; using Pandas DF generates tables for a significant amount of data, automatically reformats the data (Cleaning), and organizes the Structure.
All Projects created here are done only by Saif Alhail.
All rights are reserved; Saif Alhail